>  have you been to Borneo ?
>  if not, i will go
>  and hang out with the Sultan.
>  no one will know me
>  no one will miss me
>  and no one would like me
>  but it would be ok
>  'cos i hang out with the Sultan.
>  i will twist my towel into a turban
>  and pretend to be a potentate
>  people would bring me food 'n stuff
>  and i'll rule over the Sultanate
>  'cos i hang out with the Sultan.
>  i will call up all my friends and foes
>  tell tales of wild decadence
>  then tell them off and let them think........
>  where the hell is Borneo ?
>  yeah, thats where i want to go
>  and hang out with the Sultan.
>  the geographers would be in the know
>  pointing to the isle of Borneo,
>  but they can't even dream to go,
>  without a mustache hanging low.